
袖手旁观袖手旁观 xiùshǒu-pángguān [look on (或 stand by) with folded arms] 在旁观望,不过问事情 弈棋者,胜负之形,虽国工有所不尽,而袖手旁观者常见之,何则?——宋· 苏轼《朝辞赴定州论事状》
趁火打劫趁火打劫 chènhuǒdǎjié [try to profit from another’s misfortune;rob the owner while his house is on fire] 利用失火的混乱时机行劫,比喻趁人之危,从中取利
见义勇为见义勇为 jiànyì-yǒngwéi [see what is right and have the courage to do it;be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause;do boldly what is righteous;be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it] 意识到是正义之举就大胆去做
漠不关心漠不关心 mòbùguānxīn [careless] 不放在心上,粗枝大叶 自然界对个别的生命是如此漠不关心,我们又何必娇惯自己?
袖手旁观袖手旁观 xiùshǒu-pángguān [look on (或 stand by) with folded arms] 在旁观望,不过问事情 弈棋者,胜负之形,虽国工有所不尽,而袖手旁观者常见之,何则?——宋· 苏轼《朝辞赴定州论事状》
冷眼旁观冷眼旁观 lěngyǎn-pángguān [look on coldly as a bystander; look coldly from the side-lines; take a detached point of view] 局外人的静观 欺人意气总难堪,冷眼旁观也不甘。——《水浒传》
坐观成败坐观成败 zuòguān-chéngbài [wait to see what will come of another’s venture; look on coldly;be a mere onlooker] 对于他人的成功或失败采取旁观态度
隔岸观火隔岸观火 gé’àn-guānhuǒ [watch a fire from the safe haven of immunity;Fiddle while Rome is burning.] 隔岸相望火灾,比喻不关痛痒,袖手旁观 在人家有危难的时候,你是挺身而出还是隔岸观火,这也是一种严峻的考验
见死不救词典解释 (详细解释)
  • 词语拼音:jiàn sǐ bù jiù
  • 词语解释:

    见死不救 jiànsǐ-bùjiù

    [to leave sb. in the lurch;neglect to save life; do not rescue those in mortal danger] 比喻见人有急难而不救助

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