失约 | 失约 shīyuē [fail to keep an appointment]不去赴约 不要失约 |
履约 | 履约 lǚyuē (1) [honor an agreement;keep a promise;keep an appointment]∶履行约定的事;践约 (2) [practise thrift]∶实行节约 居俭履约 (3) [keep one's stipulations of an agreement]∶遵守规约 清明履约,率礼无违 |
守约 | 守约 shǒuyuē (1) [keep an appointment]∶遵守约定 守约而来 (2) [keep a thrifty and simple way]∶保持俭朴 孤贫守约 |
依约 | |
爽约 | 爽约 shuǎngyuē [fail to keep an appointment; break an appointment] 没有履行约会;失约 郭伋还州,尚不欺于童子; 文侯校猎,宁爽约于虞人?—— 李商隐《为张周封上杨相公启》 一诺千金,岂容爽约? |
违约 | 违约 wéiyuē [default;break a contract;violate a treaty;break off an engagement;break one's promise] 不遵守条约、契约的规定 违约行为要受处罚 |
践约词典解释 (详细解释)