精诚团结 | 精诚团结 jīngchéng-tuánjié [unite together with all the faith and dedication capable of] 一心一意,团结一致 精诚团结,共赴国难。——毛泽东《为动员一切力量争取抗日战争胜利而斗争》 |
诡计多端 | 诡计多端 guǐjì-duōduān [tricky;be full of craft and cunning;be very wily and mischivous] 欺诈的计谋层出不穷 他诡计多端,处理一切事情令人难以捉摸,往往让人上当。 |
假仁假义 | 假仁假义 jiǎrén-jiǎyì [to be a wolf in sheep’s skin;hypocrisy;don a pious mask;pass the bottle of smoke;pretended sham benevolence and righteousness;pretend to be the paragon of virtue] 内心奸恶,假作仁义;内心毫不同情,表面装作关切 |
城府深密 | |
肝胆相照 | 肝胆相照 gāndǎn-xiāngzhào [show utter devotion to sb.;be loyal-hearted] 肝与胆关系密切,互相照应。比喻互相之间坦诚交往共事 所恃知己肝胆相照,临书不惮倾倒。——宋· 文天祥《与陈察院文龙书》 如今承老弟你问到这句话,我两个一见气味相投,肝胆相照,我可瞒不上你来。——《儿女英雄传》 |
貌合神离 | 貌合神离 màohé-shénlí [be apparently acquiescing while countrary-minded;be friendly apparently but in fact not;seemingly in harmony but actually at variance] 表面上很亲密而实际上怀有二心 |
尔虞我诈 | 尔虞我诈 ěryú-wǒzhà [each trying to cheat or outwit the other] 互相诈骗 见“ 尔诈我虞 ”。 |
披肝沥胆 | 披肝沥胆 pīgān-lìdǎn [open up one’s heart;(fig) be loyal and faithful] 披:打开,沥:滴下。比喻开诚相见,也比喻极尽忠诚 披肝沥胆,昼歌夜吟。——《隋书·李德林传》 |
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