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锦上添花锦上添花 jǐnshàng-tiānhuā [be blessed with a double portion of good fortune] 在美丽的锦织物上再添加鲜花。比喻略加修饰使美者更美,引伸比喻在原有成就的基础上进一步完善 又要涪翁作颂,且用锦上添花。—— 黄庭坚《了了庵颂》
济困扶危济困扶危 jìkùn-fúwēi [help those in distress and aid those in peril] 亦称“扶危济困”,指救济、扶助生活困难或境况危急的人
见义勇为见义勇为 jiànyì-yǒngwéi [see what is right and have the courage to do it;be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause;do boldly what is righteous;be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it] 意识到是正义之举就大胆去做
趁火打劫趁火打劫 chènhuǒdǎjié [try to profit from another’s misfortune;rob the owner while his house is on fire] 利用失火的混乱时机行劫,比喻趁人之危,从中取利
落井下石落井下石 luòjǐng-xiàshí [hit a person when he’s down;avail oneself of the time when sb.is in difficulty to make an attack] 见人掉入陷井,不去求援,反而扔下石头加害。比喻乘人之危予以陷害
雪上加霜雪上加霜 xuěshàng-jiāshuāng [one disaster after another;calamities come in succession as frost is added on top of snow] 再次遭难而受到更严重的伤害
济困扶危济困扶危 jìkùn-fúwēi [help those in distress and aid those in peril] 亦称“扶危济困”,指救济、扶助生活困难或境况危急的人
雪中送炭词典解释 (详细解释)
  • 词语拼音:xuě zhōng sòng tàn
  • 词语解释:

    雪中送炭 xuězhōng-sòngtàn

    [help in one’s hour of need] 下雪天送炭给人。比喻在他人急需时给以及时的帮助

    只有锦上添花,那得雪中送炭。——明· 凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》