拔苗助长 | 拔苗助长 bámiáo-zhùzhǎng [pull up the rice shoots with the intention of helping them to grow;try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward] 即揠苗助长,嫌禾苗长得慢而用手向上提,以助其生长。比喻不顾事物发展的客观规律,强求速成,反而把事情搞坏 他还是个孩子呀,可别拔苗助长哟! |
一步登天 | |
揠苗助长 | 揠苗助长 yàmiáo-zhùzhǎng (1) [ spoil things by excessive enthusiasm as one who tries to help the shoots grew by pulling them up] 古时候宋国有个人,嫌禾苗长得太慢,就一棵棵地往上拔起一点。后来用来比喻不顾事物的发展规律,急于求成,反把事情弄坏 揠苗助长,苦心极力,卒无所得也。——宋· 吕本中《紫微杂说》 (2) 也说“拔苗助长” |
循规蹈矩 | 循规蹈矩 xúnguī-dǎojǔ (1) [nice;act with directions;follow the usual rules and regulations;toe the line] 适合常规和习俗 与镇上循规蹈矩的人合不来 (2) 也用于形容拘守成规,不敢有所变动 皆因看的你们是三四代的老妈妈,最是循规蹈矩。——《红楼梦》 |
按部就班 | 按部就班 ànbù-jiùbān (1) [follow the prescribed order;act according to old conventions] “按”本作“案”。部:门类。班:次序。原意是写文章时篇章结构安排得体,用字造句合乎规范 然后选义按部,考辞就班。——西晋· 陆机《文赋》 (2) 后来引申为照章办事,依次进行,不越轨,不逾格 老王办事从来按部就班,谁也别想改变他 |
循序渐进词典解释 (详细解释)