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游刃有余游刃有余 yóurèn-yǒuyú [do sth.with skill and ease as one who handles a butcher's cleaver expertly ] 比喻做事熟练,解决问题轻松利落。语出《庄子·养生主》:“恢恢乎,其于游刃必有余地矣!” 就叫他兼了营务处的会办,他也游刃有余。——《官场维新记》
应付自如应付自如 yìngfu-zìrú [handle a situation with ease;be equal to the situation] 形容处事从容不迫,毫不费力 这样才能应付自如,所向必利。——茅盾《子夜》
左支右绌左支右绌 zuǒzhī-yòuchù [not have enough money to cover the expenses;be unable to cope with a situation;be in straitened circumstances] 本指射箭时左臂撑弓、屈右臂扣弦之法。后转指应付了左面,右面又感到不够。表示财力或能力不足,穷于应付
顾此失彼顾此失彼 gùcǐ-shībǐ [take one into consideration to the neglect of the other;attend to one thing and lose sight of another] 两者不能同时兼顾 钱粮输纳,必有定限,……限有定而百姓闲时办银,逢限上纳,无顾此失彼之虑。——清· 黄六鸿《钱谷比限》
入不敷出入不敷出 rùbùfūchū [unable to make ends meet] 收入不够支出。指开销大 入不敷出的处境
寅吃卯粮寅吃卯粮 yínchīmǎoliáng [eat next year’s food this year;be forced to borrow today's food against to morrow's income] 今年吃掉了明年的口粮,比喻入不敷出,预先支用了以后的收入。亦称“寅支卯粮” 我有差使的时候,己是寅支卯粮的了。——《二刻拍案惊奇》
捉襟见肘词典解释 (详细解释)
  • 词语拼音:zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu
  • 词语解释:

    捉襟见肘 zhuōjīn-jiànzhǒu

    [have too many difficulties to cope with;pull down one's jacket to conceal the raggedness,only to expose one's albows] 衣服破烂,拉一下衣襟就露出胳膊肘儿,比喻生活困难或处境窘迫

    见“ 捉衿见肘 ”。