饮水思源 | 饮水思源 yǐnshuǐ-sīyuán [when you drink from the stream,remember the source;let everyman praise the bridge that carries him over] 见“饮流怀源” |
感恩图报 | 感恩图报 gǎn’ēn-túbào [be grateful to sb.and seek ways to return his kindness] 受了别人的恩惠,一心思念回报 所宜竭力宣忠,感恩图报。——《剪灯新话》 |
没齿难忘 | |
知恩图报 | |
没世不忘 | |
没身不忘 | |
没齿不忘 | 没齿不忘 mòchǐ-bùwàng [remember for the rest of one's life] 到死也不会忘记。也说“没世不忘” 见“ 没世不忘 ”。 |
过河抽板 | |
见利忘义 | 见利忘义 jiànlì-wàngyì [forget morality and justice when one sees money;be actuated by mercenary views;forsake good for the sake of gold] 只图一己私利,而置道义于不顾 某与吕布同乡知其有勇无谋,见利忘义,某凭三寸不烂之舌,说 吕布拱手来降。—— 罗贯中《三国演义》 |
知恩不报 | |
忘恩负义 | 忘恩负义 wàng’ēn-fùyì [forgetful;turn on one's friend;kick away the ladder;be devoid of all gratitude] 忘却别人对自己的好处,做事有损于过去的恩义 如此忘恩负义,以致弄到牺牲盟国去订“密约”的地步 |
兔死狗烹 | 兔死狗烹 tùsǐ-gǒupēng [cook the hound when the hares have been run down;trusted aides are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness,as the hounds are killed for food once all the hares are bagged] 把抓住兔子的猎狗烹煮吃掉。比喻成就事业后就把有功之臣杀了,只能共患难,不能共欢乐。多指独裁专权 |
得鱼忘筌 | 得鱼忘筌 déyú-wàngquán [forget the means by which the end is attained;forget the trap as soon as the fish is caught] 筌是用来捕鱼的器具。得到了鱼,就忘掉筌。比喻达到目的以后就忘了赖以成功的东西 筌者所以在鱼,得鱼而忘筌。——《庄子·外物》 见“ 得鱼忘荃 ”。 |
卸磨杀驴 | 卸磨杀驴 |
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