挂一漏万 | 挂一漏万 guàyī-lòuwàn [think of one and omit ten thousand] 考虑事情仅及一端,多所缺漏。常作为谦词 |
两全其美 | 两全其美 liǎngquánqíměi [eat one's cake and have it;satisfy both sides;satisfy rival claims; to the satisfaction of both parties] 做事照顾到双方,成全两个方面,使两方都满意 与他个两全其美,出去便出去,还与他肚里生下一个根儿。——《西游记》 |
一举两得 | |
顾此失彼 | 顾此失彼 gùcǐ-shībǐ [take one into consideration to the neglect of the other;attend to one thing and lose sight of another] 两者不能同时兼顾 钱粮输纳,必有定限,……限有定而百姓闲时办银,逢限上纳,无顾此失彼之虑。——清· 黄六鸿《钱谷比限》 |
八面见光 | 八面光,八面见光 bāmiànguāng,bāmiànjiànguāng [be a perfect mixer in any company] 形容人世故、圆滑、善于应酬交际 他是个八面光,谁也不得罪 |
面面俱圆 | |
左右逢源 | 左右逢源 zuǒyòu-féngyuán (1) [be able to achieve success one way oranother]∶比喻做事情得心应手 (2) [gain advantage from both sides]∶比喻办事圆滑 见“ 左右逢原 ”。 |
八面玲珑 | 八面玲珑 bāmiàn-línglóng [be smooth and slick in establishing social relations;cover all sides smoothly] 原指窗户宽敞明亮,后形容待人处事机巧圆滑,各方面都敷衍周到,谁也不得罪 虽是无为清净,依然要,八面玲珑。——《全宋词·夏元鼎·满庭芳》 |
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