不自量力 | 不自量力 |
力不从心 | 力不从心 lìbùcóngxīn [ability falling short of one's wishes;ability not equal to one's ambition;lack the ability to do what one would like to do; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak] 心里想做,但能力达不到 今使者大兵未能得出,如诸国力不从心,东西南北自在也。——《后汉书·西域传》 |
力所不及 | 力所不及 |
量力而行 | 量力而行 liànglì’érxíng [act according to one’s capability; do what one is capable to] 按照自己能力大小去做事 朕当量力而行,然定可否。——唐· 吴兢《开元升平源》 |
泰山压卵 |
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