入情入理 | 入情入理 rùqíng-rùlǐ [reasonable] 比喻合乎情理 入情入理的分析 |
言之成理 | 言之成理 yánzhī-chénglǐ [there's a point there;plausible] 话说得有道理 |
强词夺理 | 强词夺理 qiǎngcí-duólǐ [argue irrationally] 没有理硬说成有理强行狡辩 此时姑娘越听张金凤的话有理,并且还不是强词夺理,早把一腔怒气,撇在九霄云外。—— 清· 文康《儿女英雄传》 |
理直气壮 | 理直气壮 lǐzhí-qìzhuàng [be in the right and selfconfident;be self-confident on the strength of one's being right;justly and forcefully; speak with compelling argument] 理由充分,言行因而有气势 只要我们理直气壮,怕他怎的! |
振振有词 | |
理屈词穷 | 理屈词穷 lǐqū-cíqióng [be condemned on one's own showing;fall silent on finding oneself bested in argument] 因理亏而无言以对 感觉自己理屈词穷,他悄悄地离开了会场 |
理直气壮 | 理直气壮 lǐzhí-qìzhuàng [be in the right and selfconfident;be self-confident on the strength of one's being right;justly and forcefully; speak with compelling argument] 理由充分,言行因而有气势 只要我们理直气壮,怕他怎的! |
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